Friday, September 5, 2014

The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

I'm fed up.
My name is Maggie Davidson and my boyfriend has been serving time in the Nevada Department of Corrections for almost 2 years. He was 18 when he committed his crime, was on probation and messed up. So he was sent back. He is not almost 22 years old now. But that is not the story. I am not fed up with him, not one bit. I am fed up with people (and apparently corporations) who are so quick to judge and put him in such a negative light.

The straw that broke the camels back was the day I called my auto insurance carrier, USAA, to ask how I might be able to add his car to my policy, while was was away. There were really no options because the car is not registered in my name, the title is not in my name and a number of other logistical problems with having a boyfriend in prison. What got me was when the man I was speaking to asked if he was living with me, because I had him listed on my account as a cohabitant. He told me he was going to change that immediately, but he was going to flag my account. I was horrified and very confused! "Why?" I asked, reasonably I think.... It was then that he informed me that if at any time in the future my boyfriend moved in with me, my policies would be canceled. Yes. Just like that. Canceled. 

I was shocked! How does that make any sense? He then went on to tell me about numerous other people he had done this to. I'm sorry, but your stories about you screwing over little old ladies supporting a grandson who committed a crime does not make me feel better about the situation.

I got a call the next day and this gentleman asked me a series of questions to deduce if my boyfriend was in fact living with me or not. He is not. But the list of questions was extensive, so I fired back my own questions.

"Does USAA insure people who have been convicted of a DUI/DWI?"  Yes.
"Does my boyfriend's crime have any correlation to his ability to operate a vehicle?" No, but it makes him a higher risk
"How can you do this when my father was insured with USAA until the day he died, which was 20 years after he was convicted of and served time for a felony?" They said they must not have known.
"Doesn't it matter at all that I've been a member of USAA for over a decade?" Nope. Not at all.
"If he moves in and you cancel my policy, is there a chance that I will be able to get my coverage back if our relationship ends?" Not likely.
"What if I just never tell you when he is released?"

This question was tough because lying is not really in my character. I mean, I was pretty up front about the fact that he was incarcerated... I hold very little that close to my chest and nothing is really worth lying about. I will be honest, and besides, if I married him, changed my name and had to change the name on my policy, that would be the end of that. His answer was interesting though. It went a little something like this.....

USAA is a company built to support the families of the military and is founded on military principles of honesty and integrity. His criminal acts are a clear indication that he is not trustworthy and as a result, USAA will not cover him. Your association with him indicates the same about you. 

WHAT?!?! I crime committed while still a child (he was barely over 18) does not indicate much about your character. I mean.... let's be honest here.... how many of us have committed a felony, but just not been caught for it? I have. Most everyone I know has! Especially when the were in their youth! I mean... Come on.... really.

I asked that man one more question....

"Do you hate your job." No.

So, come December my policies with USAA will be canceled and I will do so willingly. I will because I believe that all people are redeemable. I believe that all people deserve as many chances as they need. I believe that all people should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their past actions, thoughts, or words. Regardless of who they choose to love. Regardless of the color of their skin or the God that they worship. Isn't that what the country is supposed to be about. USAA..... You're doing it wrong. If you wanted my honestly and integrity, you would stand up for the values that the military fights for, not just the ones that the live and die by.

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